Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I want!

I want to take Foster for a run on the beach.

I want to start a writing group for survivors of abuse.

I want to invite everyone to write for my group, regardless.

I want thighs that could double as a sexy vice.

I want to sleep without waking up at 4 a.m. Two nights in a row is plenty!

I want for my sister's house in Atlanta to be sold.

I want to buy a motorcycle. I want to not die on that motorcycle. Though, I know there are worse things than death. Paralysis.

I want to see Phantom of the Opera again . . . and again after that.

I want to go roller skating with regular skates - not the roller blades that suck.

I want for my roommate to not snore so much.

In lieu of the aforementioned 'want' coming true, I want more ear plugs.

I want to appreciate everything, and not remove myself from the moment.

Mainly, I want everyone I love to know that I do. I think they know, but I guess I'll just have to say it again until I'm sure. Sheesh, that could take quite a while!

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