Monday, September 21, 2009

Poof! And the bubble went boom

My head hurts, and not for lack of caffeine. It's stress induced. I'm on the brink of losing my job. Here, now, at what Ben Bernacke calls the end of the recession I am staring into the murky abyss of unemployment.

Simply put, this sucks.

It has been a dream of a year, moving to Charlotte. I have a great roommate, lots of new friends and what seemed like an open door to a new career, a reimbursed MBA, and some great experience.

Wait, what is that? Is the room moving? I'm sliiiiding - nope. That's just the rug being pulled out from underneath me. Fuuuuuucccckkk.

Hey, on the plus side I got accepted into my MBA program. Hah! Excellent irony. What's a girl to do?


  1. At least it is only you to worry about, not a family as well. Still, it is hard, very hard. Hmmm, Shayla, I've been told "It will all work out," but I'm still digging the bottom of the pit out, just keeping myself in survival mode. Survival mode gets old, and makes you old. However, there is a way--yep, it is survival. Sorry, can't help the sarcasm. Tired of surviving; I've been doing it too long.

  2. Dawn, survival mode does get old. The problem is that at its base that is all life is... I was very old for a very long time, and have been amazingly fortunate to have been able to change my perspective - having only myself to take care of. So I now throw around platitudes that mean a great deal to me, and that I believe, but that are not deep enough to get my point across... So I suppose what I ought to have said here Jessie, is that every situation, no matter how bad, can teach us something about ourselves, our world, and life. It is not always a nice or happy lesson, but I believe we are here to learn. It is what I have chosen to make sense of my own life. So I now advocate that we take what we need from any given situation and then move the hell on. If not, the past and the heaviness of life will bury us. So when I say it will work out, I emphatically do not mean that it will work out how you want, or even in a way that you can imagine. But that if you take what you can here then it will make you stronger and better and you will be better able to survive the next adventure... Or something like that...
