Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Oh yeah. . .

By the way, Happy St. Patty's Day everyone! I hope you are all safely enjoying some green beer and shamrock shakes from mcdonald's, lol. I personally will partake in an Irish Car Bomb. Delicious.

1 comment:

  1. Jess,
    I'll try to recreate what did not get posted. It was late when I wrote it and I ramble. Here goes:
    Your're asking for advise from me? Perhaps not the best considering my track record in regards to education. Graduated HS in 72, then took until 84 to get a BA in Liberal Studies through an external degree program with nearly double the credits needed due to too much college and major hopping. Back in school in 85 to get a license to teach English but then bombed by first teaching job. Back to school, seminary this time, in the hopes of serving the church; graduated in 93; in ten years served 6 congregations in two states in various combinations of churches (once serving four at the same time) left that to come to FW to get a masters in theology at the seminary here, did all the work but the thesis, ended up doing adjunct teaching and now pursuing a masters in Liberal Studies because I've half the work already finished. Throw on top of this I tend to chronic depression and am an epileptic. As I said before, you now more more about me than most. My advise: stay where you are at and get the degree done. Jobs will come. From someone who has had so many that someone once asked if I had ever worked on a barge because I seemed to have done everything else (bartend, construction, factory, etc.) Don't worry about the jobs. They arrive when needed. Life is longer than you think. See you Thursday.
